Hypoxia and hypertension

  Oxygen is extremely important to the human body and cannot be stopped for a moment. Due to the lack of oxygen, the life activities of the human body will be seriously damaged, and a series of physiological disorders will occur in various organs and tissues in the body, so that people have difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, and even coma and death. What we call oxygen therapy is a way of treating hypoxia. There are many diseases causing hypoxia, diseases of respiratory system, circulatory system, blood system and so on. Can starve the body of oxygen.

  Hypoxia can lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease, respiratory disease, brain disease, digestive disease. Joint disease, gout, prostatitis, cyanosis, cancer, sub-health, and a series of health hazards.

  Oxygen plays a key role in the proper functioning of the immune system, especially in the body's resistance to bacteria and viruses. - Dr. Barischid

  We can think of hypoxia as the single biggest cause of all diseases. -- Renowned molecular biologist and geneticist Steven Liebaugh Nobel Prize winner Dr. Warburg,

  In a high oxygen environment, cancer cells cannot grow - Nobel Laureate Otto. Dr. Warburg

  Health is not everything, but everything we do is for health.

  China's Shenzhen Special Medical newspaper has published a report, the root of all diseases is hypoxia! It says: Lack of oxygen is the root of all diseases! "Metabolic disorders caused by hypoxia" is a theory that has become common sense in modern medicine, but in reality, when you are sick, friends will remind you to go outside to breathe fresh air. As we all know, breathing more oxygen is the most important point to improve health and overcome illness. So what diseases can be caused by hypoxia? Today we'll talk about the relationship between hypoxia and high blood pressure.

  Let's first talk about the clinical manifestations of hypertension: headache, dizziness, head distension, neck feeling, tinnitus, dizziness, forgetfulness, insomnia, boredom, fatigue, limb numbness, palpitation, etc. are the important causes of limb hemiplegia, heart failure, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and kidney failure. So what's the relationship between hypoxia and high blood pressure? Hypoxia will cause the decrease of blood oxygen saturation, the increase of carbon dioxide concentration, resulting in enhanced sympathetic activity, resulting in increased blood pressure, easy to occur cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents, acute myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, sudden death, etc., the disability rate of more than 70%.

  So let's talk about hypertension management methods. The incidence of hypertension and central nervous disorder related to work and rest, to ensure adequate sleep eyes to avoid excessive mental tension, to prevent physical fatigue. Proper physical exercise diet should be light, eat less salt and cholesterol, eat more food containing potassium and magnesium, breathe fresh air, regularly oxygenate.

  Through the clinical study of early hyperbaric oxygen treatment of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage

  Oxygenation can rapidly increase the oxygen content and oxygen storage of brain tissue, increase the oxygen diffusion distance of brain tissue capillaries, make up for the hypoxic area caused by increased capillary distance of brain edema, improve the hypoxia state of brain tissue, increase the oxygen supply to the damaged cells of ischemic "penumbra", and promote the repair of damaged nerve cells in time

  Hyperbaric oxygen can improve the oxygen supply to brain cells by increasing the blood oxygen content and blood oxygen partial pressure in the body, which is conducive to the recovery of reversible nerve cell function in the ischemic "penumbra" and hypoperfusion area around hematoma, alleviating cytotoxic brain edema, and reducing intracranial pressure. Thus blocking the vicious cycle of cerebral hypoxia, cerebral edema and intracranial pressure, hyperbaric oxygen can increase the content of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione, strengthen the ability of scavenging free radicals and antioxidant, and reduce the injury of ischemia reperfusion.

  Hyperbaric oxygen can increase the oxygen partial pressure of brain stem reticular activating system and promote the consciousness recovery of coma patients

  The metabolic recovery effect of hyperbaric oxygen on nerve cells can promote the recovery of local nerve function, such as aphasia and hemiplegia. Studies have confirmed that hyperbaric oxygen can promote the recovery of consciousness disorder in patients with severe craniocerebral injury, and other studies have confirmed that early hyperbaric oxygen therapy after intracranial aneurysm surgery can significantly improve cerebral blood flow in patients, and can significantly promote the recovery of their function.

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