What's the difference between constant oxygen and pulse oxygen?

  These two modes are only different from the oxygen generator, continuous oxygen supply means that the well-known household desktop oxygen generator on the market is plugged in at home, including the hospital's pipeline oxygen is this continuous oxygen mode; Pulse oxygen supply is for the portable oxygen generator on the market now, this way is to use the battery longer when going out, more comfortable when inhaling oxygen, and higher utilization of oxygen.

Is there a difference between the two models?

  This mainly depends on the flow rate and oxygen concentration of the machine, and with the increase of the flow rate, the oxygen concentration will also decrease.

  Continuous oxygen supply mode, that is, regardless of whether we inhale or not, the machine is always out of air, the desktop oxygen generator on the market is this mode, the oxygen utilization rate of this mode, is only when we inhale the oxygen concentration can enter the body, the oxygen can not enter when exhaling; We basically use this machine at home, sitting or lying down while taking oxygen.

  Continuous oxygen supply oxygen generator used in the parents' time, there will be dry nostrils, so it is necessary to humidify the cup with water to moisten the oxygen to alleviate the problem of dry air.

  The pulse oxygen supply mode is based on our breathing rate to breathe out, our human breath is a breath out, only when we breathe in the machine to breathe out, there is no air out when exhaling, the output is moderate, the oxygen utilization rate is higher, the effect is the same as that of the desktop machine.

  Pulse oxygen generator is basically a portable oxygen generator, can be carried out for use, there is a certain amount of activity, oxygen consumption will be relatively increased, then it is necessary to open the flow than the oxygen generator at home to achieve the same effect as the big machine.

  When buying an oxygen generator, look at the needs of the user, if it is in the parents of the time to take oxygen, you can choose a desktop oxygen generator to use at home, if you go out, you need a portable oxygen generator to meet.

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