Don't make a cry for help! Baby, this is a dangerous sign!

👨‍⚕️A friend said a few days ago suddenly saw red in the hospital, after the diagnosis is temporary skin tissue bleeding, no big problem. During the hospitalization, the baby's fetal movement suddenly became intense😱, and then slowly decreased, or even did not move. Later reflected to the doctor, the doctor immediately help do fetal monitoring. Fetal monitoring results showed abnormal, the doctor immediately arranged oxygen.
The doctor said that this is a signal of the baby's lack of oxygen, because the lack of oxygen leads to the baby's irritability and tantrum🤬, which causes abnormal fetal movement.
🧑‍🏫What is fetal movement❓
A: Fetal movement refers to the fetus in the womb for reaching, kicking and other activities, to 20 weeks of pregnancy, fetal activity is relatively large, can feel fetal movement.
🧑‍🏫How to see the baby is not hypoxia❓
A: The doctor said that the fetal movement suddenly increased and then suddenly decreased (less than 3 times an hour), or the baby suddenly felt very little movement, no increase - decrease process 😕.
🧑‍🏫How to judge the baby abnormal fetal movement❓
A: The normal number of fetal movements in an hour is generally three to five times, if the number of movements in 12 hours is greater than 20 times, it is normal; If it is less than 20 times, the possibility of fetal hypoxia cannot be ruled out.
🧑‍Sometimes the baby does not respond for a long time, it may be asleep, at this time gently shake the belly, wake the baby. If the baby responds to being woken up, it's fine. If the baby does not move three times within an hour, even if the stomach is shaken, then be sure to go to the hospital immediately and tell the doctor
  This article is only for popular science referenc😴e, if you feel that the baby's fetal movement is not the same as usual, it is necessary to attract the attention of pregnant mothers⚠️. The qualified treasure mothers at home suggest that you can prepare a small flow of oxygen machine to supplement the missing oxygen.
The doctor said that the pregnant mother is the first responsible person of the baby, do not bother, hope that each baby in the belly is safe and smooth.🙏
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