Oxygen tips, remember!!

  Almost everything we do in the human body is tied to oxygen. Muscles contract, the brain functions, and the heart beats on oxygen. Lack of oxygen can cause us to do things, the body does not have enough energy to supply daily work, so "oxygen" is vital to human health! In addition to using an oxygen generator, there are many simple ways to oxygenate your body!

  1. Do regular aerobic exercise every week, such as running, swimming, floor exercise, etc.

  2. Eat oxygenated foods. Vegetables and citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant.

  3. Abdominal breathing allows your chest and back to take in more oxygen; A. Ensure adequate sleep time and sleep quality, so that the body gets enough oxygen, adults should ensure 6-8 hours is appropriate, relieve pressure, when the human body pressure is too large, the body muscles will tense 5. Lead to tissue hypoxia;

  Avoid staying up late. Staying up late for a long time can lead to gastrointestinal hypoxia.

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