Misunderstanding of lowering blood pressure

  Misconception 1: As long as there is no "discomfort", high blood pressure is irrelevant, so you can not take antihypertensive drugs.

Some hypertension patients due to increased blood pressure for many years, the human body has adapted to this "hypertension state", is likely to have no obvious clinical symptoms (such as dizziness, headache, fatigue and other discomfort). If you think that there is no "discomfort" and do not take blood pressure medicine, it is a big mistake. It should be known that long-term hypertension will inevitably lead to the damage of the heart, brain, kidney and other target organs, and eventually lead to cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, hypertensive heart disease, coronary heart disease, kidney failure and other serious complications. Therefore, as long as the diagnosis of hypertension, it is necessary to change the poor lifestyle, at the same time, according to the degree of blood pressure increase and clinical situation to decide whether to monitor blood pressure and whether to choose antihypertensive drugs, which kinds of antihypertensive drugs.

  Myth 2: You don't need to take medicine after your blood pressure drops to normal.

Some patients with high blood pressure think that they do not need to take medicine after their blood pressure drops to normal, but they do not know that their blood pressure will rebound after stopping the medicine. Patients with hypertension should adhere to long-term antihypertensive drugs, and most patients should take drugs for life. Effective, continuous, stable, blood pressure standard (< 140/90mmHg) is the basic principle of antihypertensive treatment.

  Mistake 3: Blood pressure drops to normal and then take the maintenance dose (to reduce blood pressure to the minimum dose of normal) antihypertensive drugs will make blood pressure continue to drop, so stop the drug.

Taking maintenance antihypertensive drugs is an effective measure to avoid blood pressure rebound and to control blood pressure within the normal range. The maintenance dose of antihypertensive drugs will not cause the normal range of blood pressure to continue to drop.

  Myth 4: The higher the price of antihypertensive drugs, the better the effect.

The effectiveness of antihypertensive drugs does not depend on the price of the drug, but on the effectiveness of the antihypertensive drug and whether the patient can adapt to the drug. At present, there are different types of antihypertensive drugs, using the same antihypertensive drugs, some people are suitable, some are not suitable, some are good, some are poor. Patients should choose antihypertensive drugs suitable for their own conditions under the guidance of doctors, and any antihypertensive drugs that can reduce blood pressure to normal without obvious adverse reactions are suitable for their own antihypertensive drugs.

  Misconception five: long-term use of antihypertensive drugs is easy to develop resistance, so it should be replaced often.

Blood pressure drugs are not as susceptible to resistance as antibiotics. As long as it can reduce blood pressure to normal, no obvious adverse reactions occur, and suitable for other diseases (such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc.), it should be used for a long time under the guidance of a doctor, and it does not need to be replaced often.

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