What is the damage of insufficient oxygen to the human body

  As we all know, hypoxia can cause a series of physical problems, then what specific problems will cause, this article gives you a popularization:

  1. Respiratory problems: Lack of oxygen can lead to dyspnea, shortness of breath, asthma and other symptoms, which may lead to hypoxic brain injury in severe cases.
  2. Cardiovascular problems: Lack of oxygen can lead to an increased burden on the heart, a faster heartbeat, and increased blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease, angina and myocardial infarction.
  3. Brain problems: hypoxia can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, affecting the function of the nervous system, causing dizziness, headache, inattention, memory loss and other problems.
  4. Immune system problems: Lack of oxygen can lead to decreased immunity, easy to contract diseases, and delay wound healing.
  5. Energy metabolism problems: Lack of oxygen can reduce the energy metabolism of cells, leading to fatigue, muscle weakness, and weakness.
  6. Digestive problems: Lack of oxygen can affect the normal function of the digestive system, leading to symptoms such as loss of appetite, indigestion and abdominal pain.
  7. Other organ problems: Lack of oxygen can also cause damage to organs such as the liver, kidneys and visual system.

  Therefore, ensuring an adequate supply of oxygen is very important for maintaining health and preventing disease.


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