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探索我们的高品质氧气浓缩器系列,包括便携式和家用氧疗设备。我们的氧气机提供可靠的纯净氧气,具有安静运行、高氧浓度和易于使用的界面等先进功能,非常适合慢性阻塞性肺病管理新冠肺炎康复经常旅行者登山者高压力工作者失眠症患者和一般呼吸护理。无论您是管理长期健康状况、从疾病中恢复、在高压力环境中工作还是增强健康习惯,我们的氧气浓缩器都有助于维持最佳氧气水平,促进更好的呼吸、提高耐力和更快的恢复。享受从我们的美国仓库快速发货,2-3 天内送达(节假日除外)。发现最适合您需求的氧气浓缩器并改善您的生活质量。

Hear from our customers



  1. 青春版:持续供氧1.8L,氧气浓度30%,非常适合旅行、养生、健身、登山
  2. 银色版:30%氧浓度脉冲供氧3-5L,还支持1.8L持续供氧,非常适合孕妇、轻度缺氧、经常坐飞机、高压工作者
  3. 黄金版:5L 脉冲供氧,氧气浓度超过 93%,是适合轻度 COPD、肺气肿和其他专业医疗保健需求的医疗级设备。
Oxygen Concentrators Help Improve Health Conditions
CPAP therapy is a standard treatment, but for severe conditions, oxygen concentrators offer a better solution. Prescribed for COPD and OSA, they improve breathing and quality of life. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 1
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 2
Feel Better with Regular Use
Oxygen concentrators can help alleviate symptoms of respiratory conditions when used regularly. Using supplemental oxygen for 15 to 24 hours per day can help improve energy, physical activity, and overall health. Read more
Improve Your Sleep Quality
Oxygen levels drop significantly during sleep, making it harder for those with respiratory concerns to rest well. Oxygen concentrators can improve sleep quality and are often used alongside CPAP devices. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 3
Mood is often enhanced
One tangible benefit to receiving oxygen therapy is enhanced mood. Those receiving oxygen sleep more soundly. They can also demonstrate better performance in their daily lives, a more positive outlook on life, better memory and cognition, and even a lift to their self-esteem. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 4
You’ll have greater stamina when exercising
Working out, whether that means going to the gym, walking around the neighborhood, or anywhere in between , is often difficult for those with respiratory concerns. An oxygen concentrator can help you work out harder and longer, enhancing the already considerable health benefits of regular exercise. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 5
You’ll be more alert
If you constantly wake up feeling like you’re in a fog or you’re walking through life in a haze, you may not be getting enough oxygen throughout the night or even during the day. Using an oxygen concentrator can make you more alert, more responsive, and better able to react quickly to the demands of the day. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 6
You’ll minimize your risk of hypoxemia
Hypoxemia is a lack of oxygen in the blood. This condition is characterized by shortness of breath, asthmatic-type symptoms, and even a slight bluish tinge to the skin. While the condition can lead to serious health issues, consistent use of an oxygen concentrator can minimize these frustrating and dangerous side effects. Read more
Oxygen Concentrator Benefit 7



MTEHFYAF® Desktop Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generator | 8L Continuous Flow | Noise Suppression | 93% Concentration | 14-Inch Screen Desktop Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generator View Details
Model: OZ-1-11TM0
Oxygen concentration: ≥96%, 3L/min
Gear: 1-7 gears
Size: 13.98*10.8*14.57 inch
Pressure: 30kpa-60kpa
Ambient temperature: 3°C-40°C
Noise: ≤30dB(A)
Input power: 200VA
Power consumption: 125VA
Target Audience:
- Patients with moderate to severe COPD
- Emphysema patients
- Those in need of continuous oxygen therapy
- People living in high-altitude areas
- Patients requiring low-noise devices for oxygen therapy at night
MTEHFYAF® Flexible Micro-Pressurized Single Oxygen Chamber | Continuous Oxygen Supply | 93% ± 3 Oxygen Concentration | Customizable 3-5L Oxygen Chamber Flexible Micro-Pressurized Single Oxygen Chamber View Details
Model: MY-WYYC-01
Size: Oxygen chamber 78.7*39.3*51.1 inch
Mainframe size: 30.7*15.7*20.1 inch
Weight: 132.2 lb
Oxygen concentration in cabin: 21%-24%
Oxygen concentration of oxygen tube: 90%
Environment Humidity: 1°C-40°C
Input Voltage: DC5V/2A, DC9V/2A
Sound Level: 40dB(A)-60dB(A)
Power: 550W/220V
Target Audience:
- Athletes in recovery
- Individuals needing oxygen therapy for rehabilitation
- High-performance users in need of high oxygen concentration
- People recovering from respiratory conditions
- Users seeking a customizable oxygen chamber for long-term therapy

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便携式制氧机使用方便,按键标识清晰,只需轻轻一按,氧气便会通过管路流入肺部,使用时无需加水。符合美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)规定(14 CFR Part 121,Section 121.574),不使用压缩氧或液氧,而是直接从空气中提取氧气,允许在飞机上使用。

如果您正在旅行,吸入氧气对您的健康而言并非必要。如果您是慢性阻塞性肺病 (CPOD) 患者,请参阅此处

我们支持 Klarna 分期付款,30 天免息,最多 6 期:了解更多


You can learn about our custom models that support up to 4L-10L continuous oxygen supply with an oxygen concentration of over 93%. Check out the details here:Customization supports up to 10L

Customize Your Own Oxygen Concentrator: 4-10L Adjustable Capacity
93%+ Oxygen Concentration, for Flexible and Healthy Travel

Customizable Portable Oxygen Concentrator